These represent different sections that are typically a part of Pricing Policy. Please
choose sections suitable to your requirements and combine them. It is necessary to include
the range of prices in INR though.
At Rely Cabs we have customised pricing according to the services rendered by us. The
details are provided to you beforehand according to the effort, efficiency and the output of
the service. Typically the range of transactions on our website varies from INR 30 to 5000.
Some of our services can be utilised for fixed durations. In such cases, it is clearly
mentioned within the description of these services. The period of usage in these cases vary
from 1 month to 1 year.
At Rely Cabs we are committed to offering you the best possible prices. We will be glad to
meet our competitor's pricing.
We work hard to ensure the accuracy of pricing. Despite our efforts, pricing errors may
still occur. If a user notice ride price higher than the price displayed, please bring to
our notice, our support team will resolve the issue and gives you exact price for the ride.
Our Customer Service Specialists are ready to assist you simply call 0891- 6668787 24 hours
a day.